July 31, 2010

John Sterling’s Lance Berkman home run call

Now that another big Yankees acquisition has become official, it’s time to predict another John Sterling home run call! The Yankees WCBS 880 broadcaster has come up with some pretty comical calls in the past, and I expect nothing less when Lance Berkman goes yard for the first time in Yankee pinstripes.

I think the early favorite has to be something based on “Sir Lancelot,” one of the Knights of the Round Table. His previous nicknames include “The Big Puma” and “Fat Elvis” so perhaps try to incorporate those in your call. Here are some possibilities that I’ve come up with and some that already have been suggested:

  • “Sir Lance-A-Lot hit that one to Camelot!”
  • “That Berkman sure did put a hurtin’ on that one!”
  • “The Big Puma goes boom-uh!”
  • “Fat Elvis really knows how to hit ‘em, I tell ya”
  • “Look at Lance dance around the bases!” – Fletch
  • “He hit that ball like a berk-MAN” - Fletch

Some ideas via Twitter:
twitter responses for berkman home run call

I have to say, all three of these are great. Can you top these? If not, which do you prefer?

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